MetCam uses a patented dual-band technology similar to Nondispersive infrared (NDIR), to capture the unique black body absorption signatures of a designated gas cloud. Once the information of the gas cloud is captured, onboard computing sends alarms and information to the operator via standard 4-20mA, ONVIF, or Wi-Fi . MetCam needs to be mounted at a downward angle looking over top of the potential leak site.

To determine the answer to this, we must first understand the technology.
Optical gas imaging (OGI) technology relies on temperature differences (referred to as ΔT), between air and background, to detect gas. The wider the daily air temperature span is, the more sensitive detection will become. MetCam's lowest sensitivity is as low as <0.01 gps for Methane (CH4). More about optical gas imaging detection technology >>

During harsh weather events, the detection sensitivity of MetCam may be reduced. Once the harsh weather conditions pass, MetCam will resume normal operation.

No. MetCam is designed to recognize specific gas absorption signatures and is immune to steam interferance.

Recomended maximum detection distance is 50m. MetCam is desinged for operation in sites where the line of sight may be obstructed and so has a wide field of view enabling shorter distance installation.

Not Yet. Various programs are working on verifying fixed OGI cameras, like MetCam, as a Method 21 equivalent or better.

MetCam's field-of-view (FOV) is 68° horizontal by 23° vertical (40 x 20 m @ 30 meters distance) which is wider than most fixed OGI cameras. This provides the advantage of avoiding additional complexity, revisit times, and downtime associated with a pan-tilt. However, if a pan-tilt is required for an application we would be happy to discuss it.

MetCam is not your traditional point sensor. It does not have to "wait" until gas passes over it to detect a leak. If the leak is in MetCam's field -of-view, then an image is produced with information on the gas cloud it sees. Leak rate, the relative size of the leak, and which direction the leak is blowing. Being able to visually see the leak is key, not only for emissions purposes, but for safety as well.

Yes. That is if your company allows you to have access. MetCam does not stream data on a Cloud and operates like a CCTV camera on-site. You own the data. Once the system is installed a weblink will give you access to the camera and your IT can grant access. This way we can ensure the security of your data on your site.

MetCam teams are proud to partner with customers to determine how many units will be required for each application. Contact us now and we can help.

MetCam performs a continous self-test and any system errors or faults are reported through multiple interfaces to the operator.

MetCam arrives prewired and all that is required is a nearby junction box to supply power and connect Ethernet and 4-20mA signals. It is as simple as setting up a Security Camera.